eCommerce WordPress Themes


1. Name

The name of the Association shall be the Rajasthan Economic Association hereafter called the “Association”.

2. Corporate Character

The Association shall be registered as a corporate body under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act of 1958 and shall have a perpetual succession and common seal, with power to hold and acquire and/or to dispose of property both movable and immovable and to do all other matters incidental or appertaining to a body corporate and shall in the name of the Association sue and be sued.

3. Office

The Registered Office of the Association will be Department of Economics, JNVU, Jodhpur and the Office of Executive shall function from Department of Economics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

4. Objectives

The objectives of the Association shall be:-

  1. To undertake and promote the study of economics in general and the economy of Rajasthan in particular in all its forms and aspects.
  2. To hold Annual Conference of the Association and such other conferences, seminars, debates, essay competitions etc. as the Executive Committee may determine from time to time.
  3. To publish the proceedings, monographs, occasional papers and publication of Rajasthan Economic Journal.
  4. To promote research work and to do all other things necessary for the fulfilment of the above objects. Membership

5. Members

There shall be four types of members:

  • Life Members
  • Institutional Members
  • Ordinary
  • Student Members

    1. All persons whether living in Rajasthan or outside Rajasthan shall be eligible to become life/ordinary members of the Association. The life members of the Association shall pay a life membership fee of Rs. 3000/- (Rs. Three Thousand only) in one instalment.

    2. Any educational institution, business firm or any other organization whether located in Rajasthan or outside Rajasthan shall be eligible to become institutional members of the Association. Each institutional member shall pay an annual fee of Rs. 5000/- (Rs. Five Thousand Only) and shall be entitled to nominate one person to the General body of the Association.

    3. All persons whether living in Rajasthan or outside Rajasthan shall be eligible to become ordinary members of the Association. The ordinary members shall pay an annual membership fee of Rs. 1000/- ( Rs. One Thousand only).

    4. Students of Universities and recognized colleges may be enrolled as student members and shall pay Rs. 200 (Rs. Two Hundred only) per year towards annual membership fee of the Association. The student members shall be entitled to attend the Annual Conference of the Association and receive its unpriced publications but will not be entitled to vote at the meetings of the Association.

6. Management

The Management of the Association shall vest in the General Body and the Executive Committee of the Association.

7. Composition and Functions of the General Body

The supreme control of the Association shall vest in the General Body consisting of the members of the Association which shall be held at least once every year on suitable dates as determined by the Executive Committee.

The functions of the General Body shall be as follows:

  1. To consider the annual report with audited accounts and adopt resolution thereon.
  2. To elect office-bearers and the members of the Executive Committee
  3. To appoint an auditor to examine the account of the Association
  4. To consider, formulate and lay down the general policy of the Association either on its own or at the instance of the Executive Committee; and
  5. To consider any point on the agenda.
  6. Composition and Functions of the Executive Committee.

There shall be an Executive Committee of the Association consisting of the following:-

  1. President
  2. Two Vice-Presidents
  3. Secretary-cum-Treasurer
  4. Two Joint-Secretaries
  5. Five members elected by the General Body, out of which one shall be a teacher of the University or other institution of the University status in Rajasthan, one teacher of Government Colleges in Rajasthan, one teacher of Non-Government Colleges in Rajasthan, one institutional member and one open for any member.
  6. The out-going President and the out-going Secretary-cum-Treasurer.
  7. Five Co-opted members will be selected by the executive committee.
  8. The Local Secretary, who shall be a senior teacher of place where the next annual conference is to be held.

8. Composition and Functions of Executive

The functions of the Executive Committee shall be as under:-

  1. To carry on the day-to-day affairs of the Association.
  2. To discuss and finalize upon the membership forms received by the association
  3. To raise funds for the purposes of the Association and control their expenditure
  4. To convene an Annual Conference and to take steps to give effect to its resolutions
  5. To form sub-committees for purposes of editing, consolidating and publishing the studies or occasional papers and to select the chief editor and the editorial board of Rajasthan Economic Journal
  6. To allot duties and to define powers of the Office Bearers of the Executive Committee
  7. To submit an annual report and audited accounts, and
  8. To do such other things as may be conducive to the interests of the Association.

9. Meetings and Quorum

The Secretary shall convene the meetings of the Executive Committee with at least 15 days’ notice. The Annual General Meeting shall be convened by the secretary and the notice to this effect shall be given at least four weeks before the meeting.
The quorum of the Executive Committee shall be five and that of the General Body 10 per cent of the total number of members enrolled.

10. Elections

The members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the members present at the Annual General Meeting. All the Office-Bearers and the Executive Committee shall continue in office till their successors elected in accordance with constitution assume office. If in the case of death or resignation or any inability of any of the office-bearer of vacancy takes place, the Secretary shall call a meeting of the Executive Committee to fill up the vacancy.

11. Funds

The funds of the Association shall comprise:

  1. Membership fees,
  2. Donations and special subscription; and
  3. Other sources

All funds realized to the credit of the Association shall be deposited in the Bank approved by the Executive Committee in the name of Association. No money shall be withdrawn from the account except on the requisition of the Secretary-cum-Treasurer.
The Secretary-cum-Treasurer shall be entitled to keep in his hands a sum not exceeding Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) for contingency expenses.

12. Annual Conference

An Annual Conference of the Association shall be held at such place and time as determined by the Executive Committee after considering such invitations as may be received from the University Department or college or another institutional member.

13. Amendment

An Amendment to the constitution shall be in accordance with Section (12) of Rajasthan Societies Registration Act 1958 in the following manner. An amendment to the Constitution may be proposed by the Executive Committee, or by not less than ten percent of the members of General Body. All proposals for amendment shall be considered by the General Body in a specific meeting to be called for the purpose and must be passed by at least two-thirds of the members present and voting. No proposal for amendment to the constitution shall be considered by the General Body unless it has been delivered or sent by post to every member of the Association at least ten days previous to the General Body Meeting.

14. Dissolution

If at any time it is considered advisable by at least 2/3 members of the total members of the Association to dissolve the Association it will be done in the manner provided by section (13) and (14) of the Societies Registration Act of 1958

15. Inspection

Registrar Societies Rajasthan Jaipur will have the right to inspect the association and his suggestions will be implemented if any.